A free e-mail newsletter on organic farming with an India-focus
‘Satavic Farming’ is a free monthly e-mail newsletter for organic farmers, NGOs, agriculturists, intending organic farmers, organic gardeners, composters and organic enthusiasts. It is largely India-centric though relevant information from overseas is also included.
Each issue has a news roundup as well as information on organic farming techniques, new developments, campaigns, profiles of organic farmers, answers to your queries, book reviews, internet links, information on updates and changes in satavic.org, news on our training programmes and schedules, organic events across India, and much more.
We invite you to submit ideas, queries and your own stories that you would like to share with others working with or interested in organic farming and related areas. While we will not be able to individually answer all questions sent to us, we will feature answers to questions that have wide appeal.
To subscribe send an email to newsletter@satavic.org with the following information :
1) Your name
2) Your email address
3) Your organisation / brief description of farm / your interest in organic farming
4) Your location (city, country)
We hope you will accept this invitation to sign up for this free journal.
Opting out : To remove your name from our list at any time, simply send a blank email from the subscribed email address to newsletter@satavic.org with “remove” in the subject line.
Privacy Policy : We will never reveal your email address or subscriber information to any third party without your consent. The newsletter is distributed by subscription only. Unsubscribe information will be provided with each issue.
‘Satavic Farming’ is for private, individual use for educational, non-commercial and informational purposes. Our disclaimer and copyright statements apply to our free newsletter as well. Subscribing to the newsletter constitutes acceptance of the conditions.