Website is Designed by

Satavic Farms

Satavic Farms has, in early 2006, established a separate division within the organisation to supply organic food and food products in India. This division attempts to link growers and buyers to ensure a fair price for the grower and easier availability of a wide range of organic food at reasonable prices for the buyer.

A wide range of fresh and processed organic food is available, sourced mainly from farmers within our network. Certified organic food, ethically-certified organic food (from known NGOs and organisations), and uncertified organic produce (the last only from growers and organisations within our own network) are available. The division does not deal in meat and egg products and the few milk-based items available have been attempted to be sourced from verified humane dairy farmers.

You can contact us for more information on our organic food division and the products we have available :

Retail enquiries Institutions, bulk / wholesale, importers or call +91-9163191975