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Satavic Farms

Having a living fence around the farm has multiple benefits. Besides protection from trespassers and cattle, a living fence also provides a buffer, and with a sensible choice of plants, even some revenue. It does however take two to three years to develop.

The species suitable for live fence should be thorny, inedible and non-browsable for cattle and goats, hardy and relatively maintenance-free (other than pruning / lopping), adaptable to the local conditions, fast-growing and producing something that can yield some revenue.

Suitable species for a live fence include agave, jatropha, euphorbia and horsebean. A live fence should ideally be planted just before the monsoons and watered regularly after the rainy season is over to ensure optimum growth.

We can assist farms and farmers with planning, implementing and maintaining live fences including fence design, species selection as per local conditions and fence establishment. To know more, please read the sections on consultancy and training and specialised areas of consultancy and training.